Video 72
69. Shanti Gita - Class 69 - chapter 6 - verse 28 - 29
[Music] [Music] he oh lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face from peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading the shanti gita which is the advice of bhagavan krishna you can also come this side so that they distribute yourself in so many places not keeping a little distance go behind don't block other people so that we can see the faces upon ah very good thank you if you have the mask you can use the mask if you have not that's okay so this santi gita is actually as many of you are new this is the advice of bhagavan krishna towards junai again not much popular you cannot find this book and it's never been translated into english so this book is andha when in the kurukshetra war when obi-wan the son of arjuna was killed in the war unethically that and chris when that news reached arjuna he was totally gripsticken and he has lost all sense of doing any fighting anymore that time shri krishna gave the second advice this advice these verses so their seven chapters are there and we are in the sixth chapter almost we have listed the end of this so there krishna bhagavan krishna gave this the same type of very vedantic teaching atman the self undying self that birthless deathless entity of ours this body mind comes goes it is not it is not eternal so there is no question that you should be troubled by anything else because oh i am i am not these what i am seeing so that is the highest philosophy now the question came here in the chapter what we are reading that how this creation comes this chapter is very interesting it says it talks about brahman [Music] in the stainless absolute that concerts feel there arises little ignorance and small degree and taking refuge in the reality and manifestation of that consciousness this world appears so there comes the question and then he said how this absolute one will be appearing as this universe you call maya what is that how it happens so actually in vedantic perspective highest vedanta this world is not there what we see is a hallucination of mind misinterpretation of the mind mind interprets according to his saktika rajashika thomasical quality and it appears in so many ways and it is not existing at all because as we all understand this world vanishes individually not cosmic cosmic play goes on but individually when you go to bed and just start sleeping this whole world vanishes for us there's no entity there's no reality in it and then when you dream dream world becomes the reality and who's where the dream comes from from your own mind all the subconscious thought or the whatever thought and out of that something comes out mixed with and we see and we see the world another world there is water that there is air there is fire everything is there there is all sense objects there is eyes but not these eyes not this water they are called the subtle water pure water fire pure fire space this space it's finer than that space so everything remains that's called in the subtle body and when you go to deep sleep then all converge into the ego i button i and that's why that i is covered in an ignorant state that's why we do not know anything neither this world remains neither the dream world remains so what remains we say i do not know our expression comes when i come out for a deep sleep i do not know but i had a good sleep i slept well who how can you say i slept well unless there is somebody who is observing the sleep how can you say that i started from my home at six o'clock unless you have experienced that your experience must be there to have the afterwards memory memory needs experience before and when you say i slept i slept that means there was a time that there is a sleep activity and you have observed that that is the unchanging eye is now saying i am speaking that will say i dreamt i that i is not connected with it i is an observer observing all these functionality of the external and internal or gross or subtle or they call the causal so unchanging realities or you cannot touch that it is undistorted it cannot be touched by time space causation mass month age year if thousands of years it goes on that eye consciousness remains the unaffected but this what i see this physical body it changes the dream changes yesterday dream not today's dream yesterday's person you are not the same person to this person yesterday sun is not the same today's sun because it everything is changing and it is deteriorating it is expanding whatever it is it is not permanent it is not eternal so what is that eternal that is the eye real unchanging i in us which he called man brahman consciousness all these different terminology but no terminology actually is sufficient to express that truth that's why you punish it always is replete with these thoughts come on beyond the mark back speech mana mind is untouched by them it stands in its own dignity and profoundity its grand state of consciousness and bliss so that was the thing but suddenly the question came how this universe has come out of that absolute unchanging absolute how this ghost body causal body subtle what you are all talking about where did it come from well it didn't come it is your mental hallucination a very difficult subject that's why this is maya maya has created a term maya what is maya yama which is not there but appears to be there it's called maya swami vivekananda is the statement of fact i am seeing you this is maya i am eating that is maya i am sleeping that is maya everything in name and form it is the same truth is understood in a different way so it says that there is absolute brahman i gave this it is a different another was there there in that division it is it's given a suppose you just just to give a diagonal diagonal of a picture that that is the absolute sachidan under his above beyond time space condition and then from there comes maya maya is not separate from brahman it is a power of manifestation the person and the power of manifestation is not too different the power to talk and the person talking can we separate out the talk part here and the person here similarly that cosmic reality which is called brahman has the power and that power is called maya shakti ramakrishna gave the example it is like the snake is not moving sitting idle and snake in the zigzag motion that power of this jig jack movement is not separate from that snake itself similarly the brahman has this when it comes into action it is called the shakti or the cosmic maya cosmic delusion it happens in the mind of whom not your mind my mind it happens in the mind of the cosmic personality this is called saguna ishwara so brahman in that which is this hidden sakti the power cosmic power maya when it manifests it becomes ishwar the creator god and how he creates he creates as a by his he has three magic sticks and shaktar rajas and thomas suther quality raja's quality thomas quality and with the different permutation and combination and the subtlety of it and the gross grossness of this is the gross universe has come subtle universe is there so this is just an explanation that this to explain the world how this world exists where i am talking why am i feeling hungry and i am thirsty what can i find out of it that is maya the play of the maya so we have read the verse number 27 before 26 also there is a little complicated in one day to go to that it says that varsity red 24. it says suksmani pancho bhutanese tulane they are saying that this it has come mahat the buddhi intellect and that's the sank of philosophy of course vedanta will say i come first ego then comes buddhi intellect then comes mind then comes prana and then comes the physical part pancho five sense organs of perception organs of action five five ten five elements air water fire etc three into five and five subtle elements subtle elements five gross elements five ten or poncho prana sometimes it is said so this 20 plus mana buddhist they are all can be counted as 24 cosmic principle is this really true in vedantic idea this is all just description but to ignorant people like us to give some idea in our brain to make it reasonable and rational this suggestion is given so suksmani when is subtle pancho bhutani five bhutas why bhutas are one five bhutan water fire sukshma bhuta in this meditation here we drink water we have the fire and the body temperature you can see there is fire chaturanga breathing so air water fire and then space air or anyhow these five elements in the gross level gross level has come from the subtle level subtle things have come from this cosmic mayas principle a manifesting in short rajas and thomas quality so that chart is there so i don't want to deal money dwell much on that intricate description of the creation theory this creation theory is actually a vedanta student has no value because it is all playing in the role of maya which is non-existing there is nothing but you are seeing something there is nothing well no not as nothing but that is as saccidanando we say no thing in that state of experience no thing remains even your deep sleep no thing is available it is what remains that remains you fail i slept well sleeping well and enjoying some bliss that remains because you go to the very close proximity of satchidarananda brahman every day we go to that and come back the same old guy no transformation but if one goes cons constantly away being aware of that state by meditation with mind being fully awake move move move to that part then you become a saint the saint and we the ordinary people is different that we every day go to touch that brahman but to the pale of ignorance we cannot touch where the mind is sleeping who will feel buddhi is dull gone ego is not functioning ego is also sleeping all are sleeping it goes to the causal form and when it comes back it retains some experience of joy but when one can go consciously step by step into meditation and finer and finer touching the soul who am i and reaches that eye consciousness unchanging eye touching one he becomes a jivan mukta becomes liberated while living and then come down and live with the world street of prague in the bhagavad-gita we hear we share about the para bhakti real bhakta whose ego is just dissolved so that state is reached so now still this creation theory is there we just have to read it little bit and i better if i had a chart i had a chat but i not brought it next time remember remind me so that i can give that big chat very beautifully done how and according to pancho russia these are all ideas of this same place with vedanta sorrow pancho to see this text vedantic text we can find there they try to make us reasonably understand how the creation has come but in experience that all this vanish when ramakrishna was experiencing mother kali and what he saw that time the wall was there temple was there mother's image was there and the floor was there he was aware of it he was thinking what's the use of my life and he was going to kill himself no and in a flashy song the mother's image become bright and living and effulgent and that he falled in light emitting from mother's body can't covered the whole vision the wall everything melted as it were in light and consciousness and there after a long time he just drowned into that he lost himself and he stayed in that condition that day and next day when he came back to awareness he became ramakrishna he was ramadan i am talking for a human aspect of him i cannot consider him like you and me and we ordinary people not that but i am saying taking the human aspect with this when that experience comes everything dissolves and then takur used to go every day into samadhi every day five ten twenty times going to somebody coming back he never really heard of that ex any other person going accepting sichua eternal sometimes but anyhow sometimes not he was also ecstatic he used to go now and then now and then like that on tod so internal attitude so now that is not my point point is that here when you merge your total ego dissolves swami vivekananda sang that song shankar [Music] there is no sun there is no moon this whole world appears like a dream and space it is bubbling up and down in that infinite but that flow of disappearance stops yellow there the void which was not there entered into void that means this world is not there in that experience is it void as is explained in the buddhistic thought wrongly understood rava krishna said why buddha will be non-believer he could not express what he experienced sami can understand it is not void who have the that type of experience level he can also come down and tell us yes there is something concrete so this is the same expression ultimately this world is not there but we are in that level in this external world we live breathe eat you know so there we have this universe it is because of maya so that we are studying here will quickly pass through those technicalities of it we can avoid it if you want to study then it will take longer time and we need some background of that so here are 28 verse we read today [Music] [Music] [Music] s two things we have heard the other divided maya party when when the cosmic consciousness is covered by that ignorance cosmic ignorance called maya his name become ishvara maya upadhi bhavidhisha and avidya when that my infinite consciousness is covered by individual ignorance my ignorance covers the sun then i think i am jiva jiva kaaranam that is the cause of becoming a jiva so maya padhy when you take the upadhi upadhi means juxtaposition you impose something on something upadhi upadhi this what is dupadi oh he is a he's an engineer engineer janupathi engineering skill may go away that is not when he a cook is a new party when he is cooking when he does not cook we cannot say he's a cook that upadhi does not stay there so when the same consciousness cosmic level it works it is called ishwara the lord god who created all the judeo-christian idea christianity islam [Music] and judaism they can't come to this ishara concept monotheistic god it is covered by cosmic ignorance vedantic perspective it is covered by the cosmic ignorance in that vast dead and changing absolute truth appears as ishwara and ishara has all these qualities of compassion love destruction all the power is there that's why god creates destroys sustenance maintains systeity prolia three words are there that's why we say god lord is the controller of everything so this is saguna brahma this is called maya maya upadhi bhavit isha he beca he is named he becomes ishara brahman becomes sister with maya simple formula when brahman is added with this cosmic ignorance or maya who has upadhi then you call the same sun some same sun you know sometimes it clouds counter huge cloud and it can make a picture like that you can think there is a tiger there is a elephant you can see it looks like that but it is no tying and no elephant but it's a cloud and clouded non-existence it is appearing it will disappear when it is cosmic and covering like that you call him ishara god lord oh lord you are all powerful and then patch one patch cloud here is a infinite number of patch patch patches of clouds appear to be repeat this is one patch everyone is one one little patch of clouds no and then when it see through that here is your consciousness in all of us there is consciousness crawling warm means there is consciousness with the plant has consciousness and then modern science has gone up to prana and energy but our upanishad rishis have gone further beyond the prana pranashaprana and that is the foundation that's called the consciousness no and that consciousness is everywhere but when it is covered in the cosmic level we call god lord no and when it happens in individual level it is called jiva very simple huh that's why ramakrishnan vivekananda said in one place why is who is called god sum total of individual souls what a beautiful swamiji's modern explanation of jivo ishara and maya jiva god is the sum total of individual souls some total as many jivas are there and a crawling one copied german no this is bacteria it has behind that consciousness do whatever all the variants are coming from their micro to the cosmic level go to the sun moon stars galaxies everywhere is that it is called the their the consciousness behind so it is the jiva is in a limited place and the cosmic level it is called issue but problem the distinction is that maya when sutra pure satiko quality covers that that is called maya that means god does not get bound by his maya he is official or he or she whatever you want to say you cannot say god is he or what is she and no there is no gender in it but anyhow we say he but when adhika great will be satiko quality preponderance of the saktika quality then it will be maya what is maya is being defined that means in maya there is no bondage but in abidia there is bondage we are jivas in abiddha that is the same when it is thomas quality preponderance of thomas that is the jivas preponderance of subtitle quality is ishwara preponderance of thomas quality is the jiva we so avida that is called meaning under the influence of abiddha we become jiva individual soul and under the impact of the cosmic ignorance with the quality being prominent predominant that's collision but these are all the qualities rajas quality we are talking about they are called qualities and is there that these qualities really are there vedante will say no no no i am trying to make you understand these words i am creating a ghost to say there is no ghost children that's a traditional example in our scriptures a child gets frightened from ghost somebody has told there is a ghost don't go that side and child thinks so much every day he never in darkness will go that direction and the boy is growing up or girl is growing up then mom thought about how to remove this fear so he created a ghost in one corner and then with a terrible looking with two horns and five arms and eyes are red and violent then you can create the this this this ghost with fibers you can create with ten arms you can create a sword in the hand you can give a gun in the hand i can do that but this is the concept of ghost ghost is not there it has created in the mind in the mind of the child so we are like child we are in the ghost fear so the sages are creating this ghost picture and then they will with again agony with the striking of a mastic mother did that mother went and said baby his child is not going you have become now six years seven years ago that's it no there is a ghost earlier and ghost let me go where is that i see that go he see ma there is ghost okay i'll kill that guest today then he goes and strikes a match see the ghost is burned today and the child's fear goes away forever with the striking of the match with the striking of the knowledge wisdom eye of wisdom when the knowledge dawns in the heart ghost disappears there is no again there is no vidda there is no maya he sees brahman everywhere he is established in the eternal piece he is jivan mukta that is the goal of human life now [Music] not to sang maya to experience this sukha happiness of jivan mukti the liberation in living in the body walking in the ground see brahman everywhere soaked in the lawns joy of god consciousness now seeing god everywhere ramakrishna used to see god everywhere the floor the door the door seal everything is vibrant what can it be believed that this is brahman this is brahman we say brahmar khanam brahma habibi what we say what is brahma-harpanam something we are giving something to brahman no no no arpana is the hatta hand with which you are taking food you're giving a analogy of food eating brahmar panam this is brahman brahma hobi the food you are taking that's the hobi the ghee [Music] and then brahma for hobby brahma no there's a fire in your stomach in that ogne in that fire you are offering brahmagnum and then it is digested brahman [Music] after that we digest it but everything is brahman all you are giving different names the end result is to reach that brahman brahma karma so so everything is permitted with brahman all duality dissolve so that is the question now then because i am in ignorance i am seeing this world of diversity and because god also in maya but maya does not bind god sankara says [Music] controlling his own maya he becomes his child then she becomes abutar suppression of samaya by his own magical power of maya he appears as avotaro like ramakrishna buddha christ so they retain the same power what is in ishara's power but they live like a ordinary person we difficult to recognize so here and and the beauty of this they are not bound they look like us but they are not bound but we are bound because we dwell in avidya and they dwell in the cosmic ignorance that's called maya and maya shakti is not binding but with the sakti binds it is like that two people live in a jail prison house one the jailer is also lives inside and also the person who is under punishment that person is also in the jail but one is jiva one is ishara the person who has committed some mistake he is in the jail but he is bound he has no freedom to move any direction but there is the jailer he is within the gel but he can go out you can enter any place and he cannot he can stay cannot stay it is all freedom so this is like a god and the jiva this is the distinction so this is the twenty-eighth person now this is sattvika quality you know so sattical quality is preponderance of subtitle quality the limiting adjunct of the collective ignorance maya that creates god and individual ignorance of iddha is the cause of individual soul jiva maya is predominantly a pure sattika nation and abhidha is made of thomas 29 malina sakta pradhana [Music] [Music] now we have talked about ishwara condition how brahman becomes now are you clear ishara is preponderance of saktiko quality under maya same brahman is called israel and the same brahman cosmic consensus brahman is the individual thomas [Music] oh i think everyone knows sato quality is what sattva is the purer quality like the transparent glass that's a sort of it manifests more brightly rajasthan suppose you cover over this cover one another with a darker say a red sheet of paper the light will be coming look like look like red and it will be diffused and then you cover another layer with some black sheet so the light is inside it's coming to trying to come out but very little light comes out of the ore does not come out so this is called the tamasa thomas is darker covering rajasi is the little less but not allowing to manifest the pure nature and sattigo is almost pure but you cannot touch the light you have to break that shot the glass should be broken to reach the filament inside so this isn't the example don't don't match it every time that the light will be not there and don't say that so so now we are reading 29 molina which is which covering covers our nature avid we have talked about avida individual ignorance its nature is to cover it does not allow me to see what i am abiddha individual ignorance is molina pradhan it is of the nature of molina means blemish darker soil individual ignorance which has made me this little petty one it is avaranatmika it covers our real nature as i gave the example covering the glass with a darker veil our abaran means covering that jiva is there as a reflected through that reflected consciousness you know the moon the sun is in the sky and its reflection falls into the water cool water no if same you can see the full reflection when it is water does not you get not disturbed it's a calm and serene and pure water but when it ripple you can see the sun but it's split into pieces as it were so this individual it covers the nature of ours that here there is reflected in that consciousness what is reflected is called chit means the reflection of the chit consciousness consciousness reflected there is called jiva and what is the nature characteristic of jivo salpagastrapi it is sulphur it knows only little as we are how much knowledge we have about the about this world about we have developed in science technology this that how much we know of the universe how much we know of our own body how much you know about your functionality all go to the every specialization filled up a specialization let's say the brain surgeon the topmost brain surgeon does he know everything about brain so you go you are a nobel laureate you got a new research a new experiment new how much you know infinite is the thing to be known there is no limit of it so that's why avarana make it covers and it's called salpago if you know then you know alpha only little you know salpanka and and it is a bosoi with tatbasa it is it is controlled it is controlled by that it is controlled by that cosmic ishara jiva is controlled by isha that washer nickel everything is imagined in the consciousness if there is no consciousness no question of creation if there is no ocean you cannot think there is wave ripple bubbles home all are there because the ocean is there in this world of duality so much good so much bad and all this going on everything is going on because the ocean is the ground on changing ground no upon which the surface all these ripples bubbles and all dancing of the things are going on so it is called chaitany in the cosmic consciousness kolpitam it is imagine servam like buddha buddha evobaadi like the buddha bubbles the ripples no in the waters so is water different from the ocean no is it bubbly different than that of the content in the water content no but it is appearing different that's why molina shut the pradhana and that therefore always we find that when the reflection comes reflection does not represent the truth and it is sometimes violent such surface if the water surface is violent you cannot see the deflection even it is all scattered and disturbed so here also when our mind is scattered and disturbed nothing you can find there's a bundle of negative existence fire anger ego pride meanness unkindness everything is a bundle of that and where is the beauty of life where is the sachidan on the self where is the on the part of you what is the joy part peaceful part of you so that is this verse is indicating that it is happening so what we have to do then but that's why vedanto teaches practice not to be ruffled by the wavy waters no how to come down come down try to think who you are not this right rippled surface but you are the calm syrian that reality which is unchanging all the time so if we look at the ocean example is the greatest example for vedanta to understand suppose so much wave and ripple going on on the surface how much is that quantity of water suppose you can calculate all add all the waves and the ripples and the be huge billows or foams and add all those how much will be the quantity of water comparison to the deep sea go down down down if you go some one mile there is no flow it is calm it is deafening come people go for scuba diving they come back with this experience no but what is happening big thing is going on the world is ah it is nothing in comparison to the magnitude and the reality of the ocean ocean water it is also ocean water it is a ripple ocean water in the we are struggling here we are bombing we are going uh this con controlling the country we are raping this thing is slaughtering what is going on in the surface on the ground of that absolute unchanging reality and it is with me also beyond every ripple if you go down the ripple the same calm syrian notion so this gives the idea it is molina pradhan because of the rough negative aspect of it molina means darker covering this jiva and jiva suffers jigo enjoys because of this but when it go down to the level where there is no change one becomes free from all bondage so this 29 verse if we translate into english it becomes like that the individual ignorance of iddha as we are is due to preponderance there is the preponderance of impure satiko quality there is satiko quality first they say tamasu quality more in thomas quality it may be totally covered in human characteristic you'll find there are three natured people tamasik rajasik and satiko satyagapa people always feel to help others love others not to find fault with others giving his own life even for the good of others no satick quality rajasthan quality always will dominate over others i am sacha do no who am i i am such a big guy do this no i am a monk the ego not one monk for anything i am a learned person i am this i i i i i and dominating over everyone controlling over everyone so is dullness callousness idiot so if i feel like doing for someone and giving something and i take your intention all gift is coming from somebody else you are not creating anything you know that story we can remember where babur maharaj sami premananda was one day called all these hadoos just they rang the bell for lunch and he called after that um before that bell he called all these hadoos say oh you know you will have to go for a having a flood relief people are in distress you have to go just immediately lunch pack your thing and go and but then okay so they all going to get ready then bhagura maharaja said okay what will you give naturally first question what shall i give as the bill mort authorities will give us clothing i will give the clothing if they bring rice dull i'll give that if they give utensils we'll give the utensils or we'll go and survey and can report to you this is the need though you will send that i will give well no no no i am not talking about what you are giving they could not get out that's a very very subtle question what you are giving well i am giving the commodities as you gave but no no no no you are giving foreign key you are giving the thing which has been given by somebody some generous person give one thousand dollar you purchase with that material thousand dollar it is his donation and you are giving that donation to someone in a pot or pan or rice or clothing okay what you are giving are to give love thing is not important the attitude is the important love given with adoration i get i am feeling blessed to help this suffering god in human being or at least a man this man is suffering this family is suffering i i am i have been fortunate to hand over this i am nobody but it is my blessings no then you get a spiritual benefit you can people also i have seen people give this same relief people treating the people how mean unkindly as if he is the boss he's showing some you you brought it from someone someone helped you with the money you purchased that and you become a boss and it's such misbehavior as if they're all slips and beggars begging something no so both attitude is there so one makes you spiritual another drowns you into ignorance so the individual ignorance is due to the preponderance of the impure satick qualities and is indeed of a veiling nature its nature is it will cover individual jiva so long we are in jiva consciousness we are bailed we are covered ignorance cover there the jiva is a reflected consciousness in this case jiva it is the sun in the sky its reflection which is reflected consciousness suppose you stand before the mirror the image you see inside it can be your exact figure if it is the belgium glass perfectly pure it may be concave one you put in there you sometimes we keep some to see the face concave and convex two types of mirror this side that side and you put the concave side you look how is your face is your face that because you see that or convicts that side it is like that is it that your face neither this neither that neither you are good neither you are bad you are pure but the reflecting media is distorted so it's a glass example this is the example of the water example in the lake right or the coloring of the water the same thing will appear colored according to the coloring of the water what the mind is colored in which way he will see the thing the same way so these are all not real because it is reflected and the reflected thing it becomes distorted until and unless it is become perfect clean surface where the reflection will be bright and brilliant then as i said first example the standing before a very beautiful glass you see your face exactly as it is so we see who we are exactly that but when it is covered with the avidya or maya or ignorance then it is always there is the jiva is the reflected consciousness and coming under the realm of ignorance he becomes a limited knowledge and our knowledge that's right very limited as much you know is nothing rather more is unknown than we know so it is limited knowledge god's knowledge we have read the other verse he knows everything because his vision is not covered because the cosmic maya an individual maya is troubled with this thomas equality therefore it covers it does not allow you to see everything is imagined in the consciousness like bubbles in the water so all these things what we are seeing is an imagination in the bubbles of water okay so we end here today it will be 30 30 31 we'll read the next day so there is no question today very good huh no one has any questions okay okay we end here on class not for few minutes question answers [Music] so one question encountered ghosts at gulab mal's place my question is how does a soul end up as ghost yeah they say i do not know have i cannot just tell my experience but we heard that those who commit suicide so they become ghost or those who are many meaning what suppose some person needs to live for 50 years normal span you know how you we are born we are born because of the fulfillment of our last life's desire at the point of death what one thinks the next life leads us to that destination there is a story the king bharata used to love his dear very much he thought about dear dear dear dear and he has to born as deer in the next life it is like a you take a stone before leaving this body you do that suppose your old this car which you are running in your car a toyota camry or lexus whatever is your car when you are driving and it is giving trouble you repair it you patch it you do it but ultimately it's so much troublesome you decide i'll give it up when you give it up but by that time you think next car i'll have a tesla or i'll have this so you are always already in the plan before discarding them so when we give up this body last thought which comes very important that's why we say do japan meditation every day why last thought let the last thought come about god it will take a different direction and if i i will be next life i will be born in a rich man's family i'll be rich because in this life i didn't enjoy the life that much i will be very talented person next life okay okay like taking a stone you have to throw which direction this direction is your goal that direction or that direction which direction but when you throw that stone the body soul is coming out of it and then that thought is a trajectory it creates a trajectory you know boom and when it goes the stone started in a one point and its direction and velocity all are set now it is going on going on going on when mv will be zero it will drop so when it drops it drops that but that was the dropping point life our life is called in normal life is that when it has to drop natural death no now if i cut that in between what will happen someone commits suicide a committing cutting there then what will happen body will go away but the desire to fulfill the subtle body which wanted a body he is not in the state to go in a subtle body now but he is already in the subtle body but he wants to eat how will you eat he wants to eat he does not realize that food subtle bodies food he wants gross bodies food like we take rice rice dal dal ice cream ice cream whatever but there is no mouth i have no mouth but i have the desire what will happen then i will have to find out where i can go a soft mind who i can influence and influencing that mind through him i can eat i can act that is the way i think that this is the explanation that in the subtle body they are in a very painful situation they remain in the ghost body subtle body but they want to do something physically but physical body is not there your hand is not there some get imputed but i want to do something but my hand is not there how can i do and now other things machines are coming that can help but think about that so bodyless at the desire is fulfilled that this body should end at a point after finishing that period they then it will be next journey so i think that ghost body is like that and they remain in a subtle body that's a very painful condition they say that's why don't no religion encourages suicide and not neither hinduism neither christianity most of the cases no because that is a very troublesome life because you want something and you have nothing to no tool to implement that and and therefore they [Music] that's why we here in india we heard so many stories no they're those are very soft-minded people soft-hearted people they get affected so that is the idea of about ghost and but um gopala's man is to live in such a height this bud ghost cannot do anything takurao ramakrishna also went there he saw their ghosts and this ghost were on very much trouble because they cannot stay near the holy people because they have their other cardinal desires to fulfill so taku said he was to stay there that day with gopala's ma in the kamar hati but he seeing their condition he left and he told rakhal rakhal that why did you come back he said they said there are some ghosts and they are very much disturbed so i don't want to stay with creating trouble for them anything more thank you okay so the gospel class tomorrow my glass okay my gospel class tomorrow at 7 30 at here in this anyhow thank you for coming and thank you for those who are online main thing is that this santi gita's teaching to think that we are not jiva we are not individual soul no tamaso no satiko we don't even want satiku covering we want to go beneath that covering and then come back whatever that's that's joyful thing don't worry about that but first target should be to enter into that infinite substance of our very life the sub the eternal eye consciousness that eternal witness which is me i am that reality unchanging undisturbed timeless space-based reality thank you you